About the Center
Wake Forest University School of Divinity’s Faith COMPASS (COMmitment to Partnership in Addressing Health Disparities in Southern States) Center is a Gilead Sciences funded project that advances the capacity and organizational resiliency of faith communities to address HIV/AIDS in the US South. Through transformative storytelling, informative educational offerings, strategic grantmaking, and broad dissemination, we partner with faith organizations to shift narratives away from stigma toward life-enhancing possibilities. Our aim is to collaborate with Christian and interfaith partners to deepen their understanding of and engagement with their communities’ health challenges and opportunities.
We Offer
Faith Leader and Faith Communities Training
We prepare faith leaders to better understand and address HIV and the impact of stigma-related harm that can occur in faith spaces and build capacity for faith communities to expand opportunities for social and structural change that promotes equity for all.
Spiritually-Integrated Health Ministries
Through social justice focused activities, advocacy, increased education, coalition building, replication of best practices, and addressing social determinants of health, we work with congregations, nonprofits, and other organizations to start and enhance health ministries in their context.
Strategies in Transformative Storytelling
We provide opportunities to enhance faith communities by helping to create brave and inclusive practices and rituals for healing, including tools for preaching, teaching, and the use of art and artists for individual and communal thriving.

Learn more about our signature transformative storytelling summer institute

Learn more about Black Faith & HIV and our innovative social justice programs

Learn more about our diverse group of partners engaging in faith and health projects.